Cook Electrical is always focused on the importance of safety on the jobsite. From the Electrical helper to the Journeyman to the Project Manager, each employee is entrusted to know and follow every safety guideline that is required within the industry. Cook Electrical is in the top one percent of Jacksonville companies that consistently achieve the highest on-site safety rating with the Jacksonville Electric Authority.

“We continuously strive to provide a secure jobsite through safety education and training, thus preparing our employees for any situation that may arise.”

-Larry Blount, President

Cook Electrical strictly follows all of the OSHA guidelines, such as setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach, and education for every employee in the field; establishing partnerships with non-profit organizations such as the Northeast Florida Safety Council (NEFSC); and encouraging continual improvement in workplace safety and health.

As a longtime member of the NEFSC, Cook Electrical maintains the principles and procedures that the NEFSC puts forth. The NEFSC is a non-governmental public service organization and is one of the largest and most effective safety organizations in the country. Cook Electrical joins this important public service group in maintaining safe work environments, preventing on the job accidents, and in promoting job site safety issues through public awareness programs and activities. In addition, Cook Electrical employees must complete a CPR course, and supervisors are required to complete leadership development classes through the NEFSC.

To ensure the safety of every Cook Electrical employee on the jobsite, a Safety Task Assignment Sheet is completed every day, during which the supervisor and field staff go through a detailed safety briefing of the jobsite. Cook Electrical continually participates in occupational health and safety programs to create and sustain a safe work environment for all employees.